tech write for us

Tech Write for us: A Place for Builders, Tech Fans, and Creators to connect

Today’s world is very fast, and staying upgraded on modern technology. Architects of startups, tech lovers, and inventors visit our platform every day. All people looking for fresh, handwritten content that flashes their fixation for creation. Tech write for us greet all content writers and bloggers to share their thoughts and creativity by writing for our site. We are now accepting guest posts and article proposals from freelance authors and supporters, especially from the United States and European Countries.

What We Want in Your Submissions:

To tech write for us, you should write practical, politely researched articles about the latest technologies. You can select topics like Artificial intelligence (AI), Fashion, IT Security, Cyber Security and Data Communication. If you write an article in which any content we offer applies to our site.

What to Add to Your Pitch:

Subject Line: Contribution Proposal for Tech Research Online

Formerly Featured Articles

Clarify Your Message

Social Media Links for Author Biography

Explain what success will look like when people use your product

Guidelines for Submitting Guest Posts to Tech write for us:

Use handwritten content

Your content must be authentic and handwritten. All quotations and sections must be properly credited.

Avoid Self-Promotion

If you add a link to your website or blog, make sure your submission does not have any promotional content or look like publicity. This also means not using affiliate links. Recall, that we want to support the developer society.

Your Content is Error-Free

You make sure your article is free of grammatical mistakes or other errors. Do not use any tool to tech write for us. 

Innovative Expressions

We have the right to edit your content by fixing any typos, or grammar errors, and improving the title. We may also add or remove images from your submission to meet size and style conditions.

Activate Sharing

You should be okay with us sharing your article on our blog, social media, and digital and print layouts.

Ensure Your Content Remains Unique

Please do not post this content on different websites. Avoid transferring it on multiple platforms.

Optimized SEO Structure

You should follow all basic rules for content quality, keyword use, heading tags, sentence length, and more. If you do not follow these rules we do not publish your article.

Informative Visuals

When you tech write for us in a technical style, please add at least one graphic that relates to your article and is no bigger than 40 KB.


We post your article in 2 to 4 working days, but if we find any grammar mistakes or something, it could take extra time.

Look over issued works

We take the time to look at their published articles. Check the quality and kind of their essay. let me know what topic or content you want to simplify, and I will help you rewrite it in a way that’s easy to understand.


You can add only one relevant link to the article. You make sure the link connects to the topic. 

tech write for us

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